Category: Campaigns

News from working groups: Clinical Trials Group

Nuria Homedes  We have been working hard. Two years ago, we divided Bulletin Farmacos in four bulletins. Due to the large amount of information that is emerging and the interests of our Spanish readership, one of the bulletins has been dedicated to Ethics and Clinical trials. The other bulletins are devoted to Pharmacovigilance and Appropriate use, Access and Economics, Regulatory Agencies and Policies. Consequently, we have increased the number of translations into Spanish from English and French sources.


A PRIME example of how EMA is pushing for accelerated market approvals, but at what cost for patients?

Joint response of Health Action International (HAI), International Society of Drug Bulletins (ISDB), Mario Negri Institute for Pharmacological Research, Medicines in Europe Forum (MiEF), Nordic Cochrane Centre and Wemos to the European Medicines Agency (EMA) public consultation on the Draft Reflection paper on a proposal to enhance early dialogue to facilitate accelerated assessment of priority medicines (PRIME). Read more…

European Directive on trade secrets: the JURI Committee must profoundly improve this text

Joint open Letter to the members of the JURI Committee from the Corporate Europe Observatory (CEO), The Medicines in Europe Forum (MiEF) and The International Society of Drug Bulletins (ISDB) calling on the members of the JURI Committee to ensure, through additional and more ambitious amendments, that both freedom of speech for journalists and their sources, including whistle-blowers, and access to regulatory and scientific data of public interest, are preserved.