You can download this application form as PDF. Click here to download the application form or use the form below.
Applicant information
Bulletin information
Contact details
Reference Organization
Institutional status of this organization (e.g. not-for-profit company, for-profit company, foundation, individual etc)
Origin of reference organization’s financial resources
Bulletin funds
Origin of the financial resources
Approximate budget allocation between staff, printing and distribution costs
Conflict of interest
Conflict of interest policy (upload here or specify above)
Max. size: 256.0 MB
Are there financial links with industry?
Staff members
Collaborators / authors
Do the persons outside the bulletin declare any potential conflict of interests when invited to write or review an article?
External authors
Do the editorial team have the autonomy to change the content or reject an article written by an external author?
Can an external author who has conflict of interests write an article that could influence therapeutic choice?
Do you publish an annual financial report?
About the publication
Guidelines for editorial process (upload here or describe above)
Max. size: 256.0 MB
Summary of the staff (upload here, or describe above)
Max. size: 256.0 MB
In what format is the publication?
Contact details
Submission requirements
Article 10: An application for admission must comprise:
- Two copies of each of the last five consecutive issues of the bulletin preceding the date of application. If the issues do not specify the contents in English then a list of these contents, including keywords, shall be sent with the issues.
- If appropriate, an English translation of two articles of your bulletin.
- A completed application form
- the admission fee, see Annual Fees (which will be refunded if the application is not accepted).
The Committee may request further information to assist it in making its decision
Annual Fees
- Budget of Bulletin below 30.000 euro: 225 euro
- Budget of Bulletin over 30.000 euro: 900 euro
- Developing country: 45 euro*
*It is possible to apply for exemption when payment is difficult.
Details for payment of the fee can be requested from the ISBD Treasurer (Luis Carlos Saiz)